Installation and Support

There are three stages to developing a solution to your business processes utilizing system network technology:

Stage I

The design and engineering of networks should take into account existing equipment, new technology, work flow analysis, back up systems, site mapping, security, growth planning, future system needs, system storage, band width and speed requirements. Our engineering teams develop a comprehensive plan encompassing your company's specific needs.

Stage II

The installation of computer networks requires a professional project management approach that encompasses installing the new technology with a minimum of disruption to the current operations. Changing to more advanced technology requires timely hardware installation, comprehensive training and quality checks that ensure smooth transition of hardware, databases and system management training. Our quality checks before installation and post quality assurance of system performance is part of our project management procedures, which ensures network installation satisfaction.

Stage III

Post installation support is critical to fast utilization of the new technology in the most efficient manner. There is always a learning curve that is part of changing to new technology. Our support services are created to reduce the learning curve after the initial training (included with phase II), to enhance productivity of existing networks and to provide a continuous level of dependable support when needed. Our support can be provided on an agreement or block of time basis, and provides on-site response, telephone and remote on line modem support. Our job is to eliminate major disruptions before they begin.

This step by step approach provides an efficient process that increases performance, reduces maintenance costs eliminates down time, and adds reliable reference information for future networking needs and company growth.

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